#ORLUG IRC Quote Database  Admin 
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OMGHI2U2! Yes indeed, chat seems to bring out the best in people, no... really. Enclosed in the warm embrace of these pages is a collection of joy, humor, rude comments and splendid glowing ignorance. Enjoy them all, your millage may vary. If you have a tidbit to share, please submit away!

Depending on if you like or dislike a quote, there are links that are + and - signs that you can click to promote or demote a quote. If you think a quote has slipped by our highly technological sensors and isn't appropriate for this website, you can always click the [X] link near it.
Note: The quote is not removed from the database, it just puts a flag up for the admins to check it to verify that it is alright, it may or may not be removed.

Questions? Comments? Hate Mail? webman@borked.us
Lovin' all the quotes. Glad to see them all piling up in here. Don't be afraid to mod them up or down with the + and - links.

The quotes site is now on a much faster server and connection. Tell your friends, annoy your neighbors, pester your enemies!


Things are rolling along well. Already there are good meats in the QDB locker. Keep submitting them!

It is wet, it is WILD!

Are we having fun yet? This bad boy is off and running. Please let me know if you like it or what could be changed.

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There are currently 359 approved quotes and 566 pending moderation
Rash Version: 1.2.1-release